The word "sex" refers to whether a person's body is male or female, based on their biology or anatomy and anatomy or biology.
The word "gender" refers to whether a person is a man or a woman, based on their appearance, behaviour, and psychological traits
what is gender identity?
Gender Identity is someone's personal, internal sense of their gender.
What are stereotypes?
Where society's beliefs about a particular type of person, have become rigid and oversimplified
What are Gender stereotypes, or sex-role stereotypes?
Rigid and overly simplified beliefs about men and women.
Sex-role stereotypes change over time, as society changes.
What does Androgynous stand for?
Andro = male
Gyny = Female
the combination of male and female
what is androgyny?
Having high levels of male and female behavioural or personality traits.
In the 1970s, Sandra Bem described people with high levels of both feminine and masculine traits as androgynous.
What does the Bem Sex Role Inventory measure?
How many people conform to sex-role stereotypes and how androgynous are people.
How can you test external reliability?
Test-retest method and inter-rater reliability
How can you test the internal reliability?
Slit-half method
Strengths of the BSRI
It has high external reliability
It has high internal reliability
Limitations of the BSRI
Lacks temporal validity
Lack internal validity (people interpret the scale differently)
Flaherty and Dusek conducted a study showing that people who are androgynous , according to the BSRI , tend to have higher well-being than those who are not androgynous.
(Flaherty and Dusek) ... More recent studies have shown that masculine traits are also correlated with happiness. Therefore androgynous people may be happier because they have high masculine traits.