Resurrection - strengths and weaknesses

Cards (3)

  • Spiritual
    Strength: Jesus appeared to walk through doors after his resurrection
    Weakness: his resurrection was still physical too
    Strength: there is biblical evidence for a soul
    Weakness: what's the point of another being having your soul? Or a being that doesn't have your body?
    Strength: church teaching confirms the idea of a soul
    Weakness: christianity contradicts itself
  • Physical
    Strength: many eyewitness accounts
    Weakness: could be lying. Jesus was not the same, he was not instantly recognised. Something must have been different. It could've been a spiritual resurrection and his soul was placed into a temporary body so he was not recognised
    Strength: church teaching supports Augustine's theory of a physical resurrection
    Weakness: science denies this
    Strength: flesh is needed in resurrection to be healed by sin
    Weakness: how can a physical body be tainted by sin?
  • Are Christian beliefs in resurrection reasonable?
    Yes: Augustine - stained with original sin
    No: it's not reasonable to believe our physical body needs healing. Did Jesus' resurrection not already wash away original sin? Why do we need to be resurrected too?
    Yes: resurrection was physical. Jesus appeared to women, ate with disciples, many eyewitnesses
    No: bultmann and Demythologisation. Disciples wanted Jesus to be alive again to bring them comfort. Did not happen
    Yes: Paul's letter. Worked with eyewitnesses.
    No: no scientific evidence