femaleness or maleness which relate to the biological attributes of an individual; spectrum and biological
social construct of roles, behaviors, expressions, and identities of an individual; spectrum
Nuclear Sex
sexual assignment based on the presence of an inactivated X chromosomes called
barr bodies
barr bodies
inactivated genes associated with female characteristics
one of the two X chromosomes in every ce l of a female individual is inactivated during embryonic developmen
Chromosomal Sex
sex determined by sexual constitution
-during pregnancy, ALL individuals are female by default
Klinefelter Syndrome
Males with an extra X chromosome
Females with an extra X chromosome.
An embryo with only one Y chromosome cannot develop into a viable fetus.
Turner Syndrome
Females with only one X chromosome
Jacobs Syndrome
Males with an extra Y chromosome.
XXYY Syndrome
Males with an extra X and Y chromosome
Genetic Sex
sex based on genes that direct the development of genitals
sex-determining region (SRY)
switches gonad from development
Gonodal Sex
sex determined by gonadal structure, either testicular, ovarian, or in between
Gonadal Sex
with various genetic conditions, one may not fully develop a testicle with a penis or an ovary with a vagina, some may develop both structures and some may not develop any
Endocrinologic Sex
sex determined by hormones released by the gonads resulting to genital development and secondary sexual characteristics
needed by males for sexual function
Internal Genital Sex
The mullerian and wolffian ducts
The Mulerian ducts
forms the uterus and Fallopian tubes in the absence of Anti-Mullerian hormone
The Wolffian ducts
forms the epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles in the presence of Anti-Mu lerian hormone
External Genital Sex
sex identified through external genitalia developed from common precursors during the fetal stage
Social Sex
sex is a social construct, assigned and conditioned by our society
Psychological Sex
involves one's perception of themselves as defined by their pronouns
Gender identity
gender a person believes themself to be without judgment or coercion
external genitalia reflects psychological sex
External genitalia does not reflect psychological sex
Gender expression
preferences of a person based on their psychological sex
Biological sex
spectrum of sex based on the nuclear to external genital sex