Cards (5)

  • During the 2019 general election, the Conservative and Labour parties were responsible for 80.5% of total campaign spending. This disportionate influence is reinforcing a duopoly in the UK
  • The public funding of political parties would create a more level playing field so that smaller parties would not be so disadvaantaged in elections. This would provide the electorate with a fairer choice
  • The way in which they are funded connects Labour and the Conservative to the trade unions and big business. If this connection is broken by public funding, then both parties would be more responsive to the wider public
  • Despite the cash for honor scandal, there have been further examples of big donors to political parties being awarded peerages. In 2021, Peter Cruddas, a former conservative co-treasurer who has donated £3 million to the Conservative party, was recommended for peerage by Johnson. The public funding of political parties would remove the potential for claims of corruption and help to restore public trust in politicians.
  • state funding of politicial parties would encourage greater transparency and trust in politics