Places in the City

Cards (4)

  • Kirche - church
    Bank - bank
    Bäckerei - bakery
    Buchhandlung - bookshop
    Hallenbad - indoor swimming pool
    Stadthalle - town hall
    Hafen - harbour
    Feuerwehr - fire station
    Fitnessstudio - gym
    Museum - museum
    Wohnblock - block of flats
    Tiergarten - zoo
    Cafe - cafe
    Einkaufszentrum - shopping centre
    Schloss - castle
  • Krankenhaus - hospital
    Metzgerei - butcher
    Tierhandlung - pet shop
    Markt - market
    Apotheke - pharmacy
    Flughafen - airport
    Eisdiele - ice cream shop
    Lebensmittelgeschäft - grocery shop
    Kino - cinema
    Schnellimbiss - fast food outlet
    Park - park
    Kunstgalerie - art gallery
    Blumengeschäft - florist
  • Gymnasium - high school
    Kneipe - pub
    Bibliothek - library
    Hotel - hotel
    Bushaltestelle - bus stop
    Kaufhaus - department store
    Spielplatz - playground
    Tante-Emma-Laden - corner shop
    Sportsgeschäft - sports shop
    Friedhof - cemetary
    Jugendclub - youth club
    Reisebüro - travel agency
  • Postamt - post office
    Stadion - stadium
    Konditorei - pastry shop
    Sparkasse - savings bank
    (Haupt)bahnhof - (main) train station
    Tankstelle - petrol station
    Friseursalon - hair salon
    Fabrik - factory
    Polizeiwache - police station
    Platz - square
    Restaurant - restaurant
    Dom - cathedral
    Kegelbahn - bowling alley