growth in digital technology resulted in changes in way information is stored and transmitted
all information is converted into binary code
new media characteristics - technological convergence
digitalisation resulted in convergence of different types of information - text, photographs, video, film etc into a single delivery system, available as smart television, laptop, phone etc
BOYLE - technological convergence
digitalisation allows information to be delivered across across a range of once separate and unconnected media platforms
characteristics of new media - economic convergence
technological convergence also produced economic convergence
media and telecommunication industries once previously produced separate systems of communication and now make economic alliances as digitalisation has reduced boundaries between media sectors
characteristics of new media - cultural convergence (jenkins)
media convergence has changed the way members of society interact with media and eachother
e.g., new media has changed nature of consumption
e.g., facebook remains default social networking site with 3 billion monthly active users
characteristics of new media - interactivity
new media are interactive and are responsive in ' real time ' to user input through clicking on links or selecting items
internet epitomises interactivity because it lets user select stories they want to read / watch in the order they want to
people can also mix and match the information they want - accessing news from different sources
characteristics of new media - choice (jenkins and boyle)
jenkins argues media audiences today can interact with variety of media, often from single device
this means new media audiences have greater choice compared with pre 1990's audiences
boyle notes societies use of TV has evolved from system of supply-led to demand-led, organised around idea viewers such choose what they want to watch and when
viewers no longer constrained by TV schedules
characteristics of new media - participatory culture
new media audiences often actively collaborate with new media and other uses via sharing content, music, writing reviews and sharing opinions
jenkins - convergence and interactivity = participatory culture where media producers and consumers no long occupy separate roles
characteristics of new media - collective intelligence (jenkins)
participatory culture produces collective intelligence where uses pool resources and skills to build a 'jigsaw' image
new media is alternative user-led information source often critical of information produced top down