Uneven Development

Cards (15)

  • physical factors that affect country development:
    1. poor climate
    2. poor farming land
    3. few raw materials
    4. lots of natural disasters
  • poor climates affects country development because little produce can grow resulting in malnutrition and low quality of life. it also means they have less crops to sell meaning they have less money to spend on necessities
  • poor farming land affects county development because the land is unable to grow crops or graze animals to produce food
  • few raw materials means that countries have fewer items to export meaning they make less money. sometimes they have lots of raw materials but can't afford to develop the infrastructure
  • lots of natural disasters means that countries have to spend lots of money rebuilding after disasters occur, they also reduce quality of life of those affected, slowing the development
  • economic factors that cause uneven development are:
    1. poor trade links
    2. lots of debt
    3. an economy based on primary products
  • poor trade links mean the country won't make a lot f money meaning there will be less to spend on development. world trade patterns influence a countries economy
  • lots of debt is caused by countries borrowing from other countries to deal with aftermaths of natural disasters, this money is paid back with interest (sometimes) meaning there is less for development
  • countries that export primary materials are typically less developed, sometimes the prices of primary products fluctuate and fall below the price of production meaning farmers have to rely on the government for money
  • countries that were colonised are often at a lower development level when they gain independence, colonisers removed raw materials and sold manufactured goods this means profits went to colonisers
  • war slows/reduces development, money is spent on arms/training soldiers meaning there is less for important services and development
  • uneven development causes inequalities in wealth within countries, wealth impacts on people's standard of living
  • healthcare is better in more developed countries making their life expectancy higher and their infant mortality rate lower
  • many people escape conflict in LICs/NEEs and move to HICs for a better quality of life. migrant workers contribute to the economies of HICs that they move to instead of LICS they live, increasing the development gap
  • consequences of uneven development:
    • wealth
    • health
    • international migration