
Cards (13)

  • Neurohypophysis consists of what?
    pars nervosa and infundibular stalk
  • What is the MOST ABUNDANT CELL TYPE in neurohypophysis?
  • Neurosecretory or Herring Bodies: axonal dilations where ADH and oxytocin accumulate
  • Neurosecretory or Herring Bodies are faintly what?
  • Vasopressin or ADH: Increases water permeability of renal collecting ducts
  • Oxytocin: Stimulates contraction of mammary gland myoepithelial cells and uterine smooth muscle
  • VASOPRESSIN and OXYTOCIN are NEUROPEPTIDES that are synthesized in the HYPOTHALAMUS and are secreted to the NEUROHYPOPHYSIS
  • The pars nervosa of the posterior pituitary consists of modified NEURAL tissues.
  • Pars nervosa contains UNMYELINATED axons supported and sheathed by glia cells called PITUICYTES.
  • The axons in pars nervosa originate from the SUPRAOPTIC and PARAVENTRICULAR hypothalamic nuclei.
  • In pars nervosa, SWELLINGS called neurosecretory (Herring) bodies are present along the axons.
  • Upon neural STIMULATION, neurosecretory bodies release either oxytocin or vasopressin.
  • Released hormones are up by CAPILLARIES for distribution throughout the body.