Life and goverment in engand 1189-1216

Cards (39)

  • The feudal system
    All land belonged to king; gave land to tenants - in - chief in return for tax, advice, knights service; gave land to knights in return for military service; provided land for peasants to work, they farmed their food, and had to work for lord each week and gathering harvest
  • In return for and, had to swear oath of fealty (loyalty). 5,000 knights had to serve in the king’s army for 2 months and give 40 days guarding the lord’s castle
  • the church
    Religion dominated life - people had to attend religious ervices and pray to get inot heaven. Most of Europe was Catholic, loyal to the pope, god’s representative on earth: even kings were subject to pope’s authority. Church owned lots of land (20% of England) and people gave money to secure place in heaven - so very rich
  • Archbishop of Canterbury
    Archbishop of Canterbury was head of church of England. Bishops responsible for the priests and monks in their area, who performed services, baptism, marriages, burials. Senior churchmen had to supply knights to the king’s army and some advised the king
  • King had to control kingdom, keep it safe from attack and administer justice. King was given authority by god, so could not be questioned by subjects
  • Primogeniture
    In principle, eldest legitimate son inherited throne when king died, but in some cases the next king was nominated by king, or select barons
  • King passed laws, he and his court travelled around kingdom making legal judgments; being “seen” by subjects nd carrying out rituls. Also had to be good military leader
  • Richard overview
    Known as Coeur de lion, Lionheart. Rpeuation as great warrior and king, also shhowed Christian duty by going on crusade. Guided by idea of chivalry - strong in battle, honorable in dealing with others and love, protected the weak
  • Richard
    Third son of Henry II (oldest legitimate Son), BEcame king as was favourite of mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine. Fought alongside Phillip II of France against his Henry II to secure throne as feared Henry would make youngest son John king
  • Richard and Crusade
    Once he had secured the crown, wanted to go on crusade so he:
    Made peace with enemies from war VS henry
    Appointed trusted advisers to rule country while he was away
    gave john land in Normandy
    Banned brothers from country for three years to prevent rebellion
  • John summary
    Villanous king. Known as lackland as he didnt inherit land and lost alot. Much weaker than richard. Got and interdict placed on england and excommuniated by the church. Had quarells with Innocent III. Did not get along with philip II of france
  • John and his weak claim to the throne
    When Richard died John’s claim supported by Eleanor of Aquitaine and leading knight/baron William Marshal. ALso supported by Barons. But rival claim to throne Arthur of Brittany (eldest son of Johns Brother) supported by barons in France and Phillip II
    Arthur was only 12, so john was crowned king in 1199. Travelled to France agreed to give some Angevin land and do homage to Philip. But peace did not last long and Arthur joined forces with Philip. John captured Arthur in battle but rather than rnsom or put him on trial he murdered him.
  • Johns Reign
    Reign began well as he chose good advisors and showed good judgement and military leaderhsip by supporting Richard. But he was short tempered and cruel, so lost trust of many people
  • Goverment based on maintaining law and order and collecting taxes to defend kingdom. Richard only present in enfland tce during 10 year reign, for six months. 1189, crowned and raised money to pay for crusade. Made agreements with rivals to secure kingdom; appointed trusted advisors to run England in his absence, led by William Longchamp
  • 1191 while Richard was away, John rebelled, set up court and ruled kingdom: demanded
    huge taxes to pay for Richard’s release, allied with Philip. When Richard returned in 1194,
    John had to beg for his mercy; Richard forgave him, but humiliated him
    First 6 years of John’s reign spent defending land in France; but when lost Normandy in 1204
    he returned to England. He soon became v unpopular: chose “new men” (not barons) as
    advisers; cruel punishments for those who disobeyed him – so poor relationship with barons
  • Taxes never popular, both Richard and John demanded huge taxes for wars (and Richard's ransom)
  • Royal demesne
    Land, forest, towns owned by king
  • Tallage
    Tax paid by freemen and those living in royal towns
  • Wardship fine
    When baron died, if heir was young king would be responsible for him and the land
  • Forest fines
    Barons, knights, peasants had to pay to use king's land
  • Scutage
    Money paid in return for not having to fight. Barons thought this should only be demanded in an emergency, but John demanded 11 times in 16 years
  • Thirteenth
    Tax based on goods and income of every man, only demanded once as very unpopular
  • Taxes collected by sheriff
    1. Had to collect a fixed amount, could keep any extra
    2. Sheriff could become very rich, so Richard made a lot of money by selling sheriff offices
  • Most people lived and worked on the land. PEasants lived on manor, owned by lord. Work supervised by Revee: divided work, collected rent. Village land divivded into 2/3 fields: on eleft falow while other wad famred. Divided into strips to be famed; took crops to mill. Also kept some animals Hard physical work, long hours, only basic tools
  • During C12th towns greq and new towns founded. Paid for Royal Charter: GAve town freedom, ahd law court and local goverment. Range of Diffrent jobs: Guilds: group of people with same trade paid for right to practice their trade in town
  • Jews in Towns
    Jews separate community in many towns, approx. 5,000 in England in 1200. Protected by royal charter, in exchange for high taxes (eg Jews had to pay £3,375 for Richard’s ransom). Jews involved in money lending (Christians were banned from doing this), so v important in
    economy. But this made them unpopular. Also antisemitism, as Jews blamed for Christ’s death. Pogroms (anti-Jewish riots) after Richard became king, even though Richard ordered them to stop. Mob killed 150 Jews in York 1190
  • Angevin Empire
    Lands held by Henry II and Richard I in England & France
  • Bailiff
    Official who looked after Lord’s land
  • Chivalry
    Code of conduct for mediveal knights
  • Crusade
    Holy war fought to claim land for Christianity
  • Fief
    Piece of land
  • Forfeiture
    IF vassal broke oath land taken away
  • Freeman
    Peasant who paid rent, so free to move around
  • Homage
    Demonstration of loyalty
  • Primogeniture
    Land and Title inherited by eldest son
  • Sheriff
    Official who collected taxes and managed king’s castle
  • Succession
    Inheriting throne, title or land
  • Vassal
    A man who held land in exchange of doing homage
  • Villein
    Peasant owned by lord, could not move to a diffrent village