
Cards (121)

  • Who was the only child from Henry VIII's marriage to Catherine of Aragon?
    Mary 1
  • What had happened the last time there was a female heir?
    There was a civil war
  • What did Henry do when Anne Boleyn fell pregnant?
    He broke from Rome and become the Supreme head of the church of England
  • What did Henry's Act of Succession in 1533 mean?

    It confirmed Elizabeth to be the heir to the throne and made Mary illegitamate
  • What happened after Anne was charged with trumped up charges of treason, incest, adultery and witchcraft?
    She was beheaded in May 1536
  • How well did Elizabeth get to know her mother or father?
    She never knew her mother and she only met her father few times.
  • What did a Second Act of Succession do?
    Made Edward VI the heir to the throne and made Elizabeth illegitimate
  • What happened to many of Elizabeth's remaining Yorkist friends in the 1530s and 1540s?
    They were arrested and executed
  • Who was the greatest intellectual influence on Elizabeth?
    Roger Ascham
  • What did Elizabeth learn?
    Italic style handwriting and many languages including: French, Italian,Spanish,Latin and Greek.
  • Who acted as a mother figure to Elizabeth during her teenage years?
    Catherine Parr
  • What did a 3rd Act of Succession do in 1544?

    It restored Elizabeth as an heir to the throne
  • Why did Elizabeth and Edward VI's relationship become difficult?
    Edward became arrogant
  • How did Thomas Seymour cause Elizabeth to be investigated?
    She lived in his household and there was a lot of flirting between the two. Seymour was investigated for treason and supposedly was trying to marry Elizabeth in order to over throw Edward
  • What did Elizabeth learn from this experience?
    Trust nobody
  • Why did Edward's cousin, Jane, become Queen in 1553?

    The Duke of Northumberland manipulated Edward into overriding the 3rd act of succession hence making jane queen
  • Why did Mary's accession make Elizabeth's position very difficult?
    Mary was catholic and angry about how Elizabeth's mother replaced her own mother as queen.
  • What did Mary's regime do to 300 Protestant heretics over 5 years?

    She burnt them
  • What provoked the Wyatt Rebellion of 1554?

    Mary's marriage to Phillip II of Spain
  • Why was Elizabeth imprisoned for two months in the Tower of London?
    Mary suspected that she was secretly helping the rebels
  • What happened to Elizabeth after her release?
    She was kept under house arrest
  • Name three of Elizabeth's problems at her accession
    She was protestant,she was a woman, she was unmarried and had no children.
  • What were the key features of the Royal Court?
    Run by Lord Chamberlain,no specific building, consisted of Elizabeth's household
  • What happened on feast days?
    The queen dined in the dining hall with all of her household
  • What did Elizabeth use because she had to reduce the political nature of the Privy Chamber?
  • What did the Privy Council do?
    co-ordinated financial departments,law courts and regional bodies
  • How was Elizabeth's Privy Council different to Mary's?
    She started with only 19 members, unlike Mary's 40 and did not appoint any strong catholics
  • Who were the four key members of Elizabeth's Privy Council?
    Francis Walsingham, William Cecil, Christopher Hatton and Robert Dudley
  • William Cecil was very powerful. What evidence shows this?
    He spoke his mind and often disagreed with Elizabeth but this madder trust him more and hence made him Chief minister
  • Elizabeth cleverly played a game of 'd______ and r_____'
    Divide and Rule
  • What did Elizabeth's first parliament do in 1559?

    Restoration of the royal supremacy over a protestant church of england
  • Why was Elizabeth more powerful than parliament?
    She was able to limit Parliament's power due to the royal veto
  • Why did Elizabeth's government descend into crisis in the 1590s?
    all of Elizabeth's trusted councillors were dying
  • What had Henry VIII done to try to avoid a female succeeding to the throne?
    He had a son, Edward VI
  • What had a weak monarch and powerful nobles led to in the C15th?
    War of the roses
  • Name two effective female rulers at this time?
    Isabella of Castille(Spain) , Marie de Guise (Scotland)
  • What famous incident happened in 1566?

    Elizabeth lost her temper with parliament
  • What were some disadvantages for Elizabeth if she married?
    She would not be able to use the Divide and rule in order to manipulate her men and it may cause jealousy
  • Who did Elizabeth immediately turn down and why?
    Phillip II of Spain as he was married to Mary and treated her badly. He only wanted to marry Elizabeth in order to regain his title as king
  • Name the two other foreign suitors
    Prince Eric (Sweeden) and Charles of Austria