Jamaica Case Study

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  • jamaica is in north america, surrounding countries are haiti and cuba and it is surrounded by the caribbean sea
  • jamaica used to be an LIC but has since progressed in recent years to become an NEE
  • positives of tourism:
    • tourism is one of jamaica's top sources of income
    • thousands of jamaican's work directly/indirectly in tourism
    • tourism benefits local farmers through the sale of produce to hotels
    • investment in infrastructure to accommodate tourists. port facilities/airports have been expanded
    • contributed 1.2 billion to the economy
  • how tourism is being managed:
    • jamaica is branching tourism out to community tourism (tourists stay with locals in their home)
    • they're promoting ecotourism (better for environment)
    • trying to promote positive aspects of jamaican culture (bob marley)
    • trying to encourage people to visit yearly
    • entry fees on national parks which goes to the conservation of the parks
  • negatives of tourim:
    • jamaica is dependent on it and if tourism numbers fall the economy will to
    • many of the jobs are seasonal
    • large TNCs such as Tui organise the holidays and the locals don't profit from this
    • local employees are paid low wages whereas foreign managers earn lots
    • more pollution/litter