Characteristics of depression

Cards (17)

  • what type of disorder is depression?
    an affective (mood) disorder.
  • what is an affective disorder?

    disorders that affect the emotional state of those suffering from them, i.e mood is distorted or inappropriate to the circumstance.
  • what is depression characterised by?
    low mood and low energy levels
  • What is severe depression known as in the DSM-5?
    Major Depressive Disorder
  • how long must symptoms last for before diagnosis?
    2 weeks
  • how many symptoms must be present for a diagnosis?
    5 out of 9 in criteria A and at least one of symptoms 1 or 2. Criteria B must also be met.
  • what are criteria symptoms A for depression in the DSM-5?
    1) depressed mood, most of the day for most days
    2) loss of interest
    3) weight loss or gain (5%) due to appetite
    4) insomnia or hypersomnia
    5) agitation or retardation
    6) fatigue or loss of energy
    7) feelings of worthlessness / inappropriate guilt
    8) inability to concentrate or indecisiveness
    9) thoughts of death or suicidal thoughts.
  • what is criteria symptom B in the DSM-5?

    must have clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other areas of functioning.
  • What percentage of Adults in Britain suffer from depression?
    estimated 10% but may be as high as 35% (due to often being retrospective so older people may not be properly diagnosed if they can't remember how long and when symptoms occurred)
  • How does depression appear?

    can appear gradually or suddenly. Can happen after an event or out of the blue.
  • who can get depression?
    occurs in all social classes and at all ages from childhood to old age.
  • What is the intensity of depression?
    depression can be relatively mild, or so intense that the sufferer is at serious risk of suicide.
  • Who is more at risk from depression?

    - the risk of women developing major depression (being diagnosed) is roughly double that of men, although suicide is the leading cause of death in men under 50 in the UK.
    - Severe depression is more common in middle and old age, although there has been a steady increase in depressive illness amongst younger people.
  • what are the three characteristics of depression?
    - emotional - how the person feel when in depressed state. Patients often describe themselves as feeling 'sad', 'empty' and 'worthless.'
    - behavioural - how the person acts when in depressed state.
    typically behaviours change.
    - cognitive - how a person thinks when in a depressed state. often have cognitive distortions.
  • what are the emotional characteristics of depression?
    - lowered mood most of the time for most days. This may be severe sadness or losing interest and feeling completely emotionless.
    - anger, experiencing mostly negative emotions to themselves or others.
    - lowered self-esteem which can lead to liking themselves less or completely hating themselves.
  • what are the behavioural characteristics of depression?
    - activity levels - may be fatigued or agitated
    - disruption to sleep and eating behaviour - insomnia / hypersomnia. Loss / gain of appetite.
    - aggression and self-harm - both verbal and physical. To others or themselves. Severely affects relationships.
  • what are the cognitive characteristics of depression?
    - poor concentration - difficulty doing and being decisive with simple tasks.
    - attending to and dwelling on the negative - bias to recalling unhappy events and seeing the negative in situations.
    - absolutist thinking - 'black and white thinking'. When a situation is unfortunate, they tend to see it as an absolute disaster.