Deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment such as roads, railroads, bridges, airports; canals, dams, tunnels; buildings; coastal structures; flood control projects, systems for water supply, sewage and disposal
The implementation of solutions to practical problems
The application of math and science to create something of value from our natural resources
Theodore Von Karman: 'Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was'
Clever, practical, problem solver
Attributes of a Good Civil Engineer
Commitment to continuouslearning and improvement
Civilengineering is a licensed profession in many countries, requiring formal education, examination, and ongoing professional development
The practice of civil engineering is guided by codesofethics and professional standards to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the public
Major Roles of Civil Engineers in the Society
Conceive, plan, estimate, approve and implement all civil engineering activities
Play an importantrole in the development of infrastructures
Preparecontractdocuments for civil engineering projects
Find and apply solutions to complexproblems of preserving and protecting the environment
Attributes of a civil engineer
Havehigher ethical standards
Expected to be creativeandversatile
Problem solvers and flexible
Havethe ability tounderstanddesign and manufacturingprocessesinthebiggerpicture
Possessa multi-disciplinary, system perspective
Abletocollaborate with a number of other professionals
requires formal education, a bachelor's degree and continuing educationormal education, a bachelor's degree and continuing education
- requires set of standards for admission to profession, standards of conduct, obey and practice at all times the code of conduct
the main purpose of service of uplifting the standards of living and the preservation of environment and public welfare