Screening Tests

Cards (6)

  • Ultrasound Scan
    • Usually carried out in week 20 of pregnancy
    • Checks for major physical abnormalities in the baby
  • Nuchal Fold Translucency Test
    • Offered between 11-13 weeks of pregnancy
    • Measures skin fold on the back of baby’s neck (thicker in babies with down’s)
    • Pros - no risk of miscarriage
    • Cons - It is not conclusive
  • Triple Test
    • Offered between 14-20 weeks of pregnancy
    • Tests for Downs Edward’s and Palau’s syndrome
  • Chronic villus sampling (CVS)
    • Offered between 11-14 weeks of pregnancy if a family has a history of genetic disorders
    • Done by cells being removed from the placenta via a needle through mother’s abdomen or tube inserted through cervix.
    • Pro- Results are usually known within 7-10 days
    • Con - 1-2% risk of miscarriage
  • Amniocentesis
    • Offered between 15-18th week of pregnancy and to women over the age of 37
    • Is performed by a needle being passed to remove a small sample of amniotic fluid for testing.
    • Pro - Parents have a choice terminate
    • Con - Risk of miscarriage
  • NIPT Blood Test
    • Carried out at week 10 of pregnancy and if offered if risk of abnormality is high.
    • A simple blood screening that analyses the baby’s DNA
    • Pro - does not carry risk of miscarriage
    • Con - NHS Hospitals do not offer