
Cards (15)

  • 7D.3 Bengston
    theoretical developments in gerontology lag behind other fields of research thus the study of ageing is not clearly directed by social theory
  • 7D.3 Parsons
    organic analogy
    Bridge of adolescence
  • 7D.3 Eisenstadt
    youth is a time for individuals to grow up and learn their new adult roles which are imperative for socieety
  • 7D.3 Cummings and Henry
    disengagement theory
    elderly voluntarily disengage from the paid labour market to make way for the new workforce
    relieves the individuals responsibilities and roles
  • 7D.3 Phillipson
    reserve army of labour
    older people have historically been used as a reserve army but this has grown in recent years
  • 7D.3 Gramsci
    bourgeoisie maintain authority
  • 7D.3 Itzin
    doubly devalued
    women are first devalued at menopause then again when they retire
  • 7D.3 Aber and Ginn
    women face disadvantages than men dont
  • 7D.3 Townsend and Phillipson
    political economy theory
    elderly face inequality as they don't meet the needs of the economy
  • 7D.3 Pilcher
    moved from a state of dependency to independent
  • 7D.3 Victor/Ray et al

    labelling theory
    labelling leads to self fulfilling prophecy
  • 7D.3 Havinghurst
    activity theory
    inequality about interaction not age
  • 7D.3 Turner
    exchange theory
    old people give less to society so they have lower status
  • 7D.3 Weber
    old people have poor status due to poor market position
    young and old less involved in politics
  • 7D.3 Parkin
    negatively privileged status groups
    kept out of high status due to segregation and discrimination