Cards (15)

  • 7C.3 Patterson
    host immigrant model
    Britain is a stable homogenous and orderly society with a high degree of consensus - this equilibrium was disrupted by the arrival of immigrants in the 1950s
    hosts were not actually racist just very unsure about how to act towards newcomers
    cause of ethnic inequality:
    • host culture fear of cultural differences
    • having to compete for scarce resources - houses and jobs
    • failure of immigrants to assimilate
  • 7C.3 Cox
    race is a social contruct
    race is something that is developed by exploiters against the exploited
    if racism is developed to justify exploitation, it can't be developed by those who are exploited
    not only white people can be racist, but white people who developed capitalism therefore they first developed racism
  • 7C.3 Castles and Kosak
    for a reserve army of labour to be possible, you need a surplus of labour power to keep wage costs down
    therefore most immigrants are concentrated in low skilled & low paying jobs
    divide and rule
  • 7C.3 Miles - Neo marxist

    racialised class fractions
    at the end of colonialism the type of racism that saw different types of biological grouping as a superior or inferior to others was replaced with nationalism
    status should be used alongside concept of class to explain racism
  • 7C.3 Barron and Norris
    dual labour market
    primary labour market - well paid, secure jobs with good promotional purpose
    secondary labour market - low pay, poor conditions and few promotional aspects
  • 7C.3 Rex and Tomlinson
    material disadvantage
    cuts minorities off from white working class groups
    black underclass feel marginalised, alienated and frustrated
    • experiences status inequality further compounded by feeling that they have been socially excluded
    underclass are ultimate victims and ethnic minorities are heavily concentrated in the underclass
  • 7C.3 Abbot et al

    previous strands of feminism have been:
    • ethnocentric
    • perpetuated a 'victim ideology'
    • practiced theoretical racism
  • 7C.3 Brewer
    race, class and gender as simultaneous forces
    each inequality reinforces and multiplies the other inequality
  • 7C.3 Mirza
    the need for black feminism
    the group can make an important contribution to the development of feminist theory
    can challenge the idea of black women as passive victims of racism, patriarchy and social class inequality
  • 7C.3 Connell
    post colonial feminism
    inequalities cause by colonisation, particularly in economically developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America
  • 7C.3 Murray
    black underclass
    1960s welfare reforms led to an increase in the number of never married black single mothers and many black youth loosing interest in getting job
  • 7C.3 Sewell
    triple quadrai of oppression
    media, institutional racism, fatherlesness

    high proportion of African American boys are raised in lone parent families - 57%
    absence of a male role model within the family makes young African carribean boys more vulnerable to peer pressure
  • 7C.3 Park
    first host immigrant model
    disadvantage goes away once assimilated
  • 7C.3 Parsons
    values change over time and minorities have to fill that role
  • 7C.3 Weber

    differences in union membership
    white: 91%
    black: 2.8%