1983 - 50 corporations controlled vast majority of usa media
now 5 / 6
calls these Lords of The Global Village
british newspaper industry - ownership/control CURRAN
similar concentration of ownership in british newspaper industry
7 individuals dominate ownership and content of newspapers
newscorp = rupert murdoch and produces The Times, The Sun, The Sun on Sunday and The Sunday Times
british broadcasting media - ownership/control
evidence of concentration of ownership in british commercial and satellite tv
content is mainly controlled by ITV who own 12 / 15 regional commercial TV franchises
access to satellite, cable and digital TV controlled by 3 companies - Sky (39% of shares owned by RUP MURD), virgin and BT
horizontal integration
bigger media companies owning range of different types of media outlets
NEWSCORP also owns publisher HarperCollins as well as Fox TV and 20th Century Fox. also owns big portion of sky and biggest Asian satellite channel
vertical integration
media multinationals controlling all levels of media production
Time Warner makes films and distributes them to own cinema complexes
NewsCorp owns TV and film studios as well as TV satellite channels that show them
gives media multinationals greater economic control over operating environment
lateral expansion
occurs when media companies diversify into new business areas in order to spread economic risk
losses made in one area compensated by profits in another
Virgin - music, publishing, film, production, cinemas, insurance, baking, airline, train and health services
global conglomeration
combination of conglomeration, diversification and global ownership
companies invest within a diverse range of products and interests besides media on global scale
media transnationals using diversity to package the same product in different ways increasing profit
film often accompanied by soundtrack album, computer game, toys etc all produced by same media companies
technological convergence
putting several technologies into one media delivery system
transnational media companies increasingly investing in and working closely with companies such as samsung and apple to produce greater technological convergence, making their media products more accessible to a global audience