Challenges to E's Settlement

Cards (4)

  • Elizabeth's religious settlement:
    • priests were allowed to marry
    • services were all in English and followed the Protestant Book Of Common Prayer
    • she declared herself governor rather than head of the church
    • Catholics could worship their own way in private
    • a moderate Protestant, Matthew Parker, was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury
  • The Northern Rebellion, 1569
    • The Duke of Norfolk was not allowed to marry E's catholic cousin, Mary QoS
    • Two northern nobles led a rebellion against E (Westmoreland and Northumberland)
    • Took control of Durham Cathedral and held an illegal catholic mass
    • Marched south with 4600 men, but rebels disbanded when the Earl of Sussex raised an army against them
    • Northumberland executed, Westmoreland escaped to France, Norfolk imprisoned
  • The papal bull, 1570
    • 27 April
    • Pope Pius V stated that E was not the true queen, called English citizens to disobey her laws, and excommunicated her from the Church
    • The aim was to force English Catholics to choose between their religion and their queen, thus inciting a rebellion
  • The Ridolfi Plot, 1571
    • Led by an Italian named Ridolfi, involved Duke of Norfolk and a second northern rebellion
    • An uprising would coincide with an invasion of foreign Catholics from the Netherlands and the murder of Queen Elizabeth
    • Her Catholic cousin MQoS, would marry Norfolk and be placed on the throne
    • Plot discovered before it could be carried out