Use of Standard Specimen, Evidence under question can be compared in order to effect identification.
By Comparison
2 or more persons have to be identified and all but one is not yet identified then the one whose identity has not been established may be known by the process of elimination
By exclusion
Foot is raised high thrown forward and brought down suddenly
Ataxic Gait
Staggering movement
Cerebellar Gait
Cow's Gait
Gait which the steps are short the feet dragged, held more or less widely apart
Paretic Gait
Legs are held together and moves in a stiff manner
Spastic Gait
Resembles duck
Waddling Gait
Hoping Gait due to infantile paralysis
Frog Gait
Injection of local anesthetic to numb the area which the tattoo is removed surgically
Sprayed with a solution that freezes the area
One of the best methods of tattoo removal
Centuries old procedure using local anesthetic applied around the area
Regular form and location with stitch marks
Surgical Operation
Scars are large, irregular in shape and may be keloid
Burns and sealds
Disc like with depressed center
Gunshot wounds
Irregular in shape, furrowed, with edges hardened and uneven