
Cards (11)

  • variables needs to be operationalized
  • extraneous variables make it hard to determine cause and effect
  • extraneous variables may effect the dependent variables
  • a confounding variable is not an independent variable but does systematically with the IV
  • what are the potential extraneous variables?
    demand characteristics, investigator effect, situational variables, participant variables
  • demand characteristics happen in an experiment participants are usually unsure what they do so they look for cues about how they should behave
  • you can control demand characteristics through single blind design and deception
  • the investigator effect are any cues from the investigator that encourage certain behaviour from the participant
  • you can control the investigator effect with double blind designs and inter-rater reliability
  • situational variables are features of a research situation that may influence participants behaviour
  • you can control situational variables by standardising the experiment