axon branches into twoextensions within the cellbody in the middle
what is the function of the relay neuron?
connect sensory neurons to motor or other neurons in the CNS
what does a relay neuron look like?
shortdendrites and axons
what’s is the function of a motor neuron?
connect the CNS to effectors (muscles or glands)
what does a motor neuron look like?
short dendrites and longaxons
what is the soma (cell body)?
includes a nucleus which contains the geneticmaterial of the cell, produces the proteins for the cell
what are dendrites?
branch-likestructures that protrude from the cellbody
what do dendrites do?
carry nerveimpulses from neighbouringneurons towards the cell body
what does the axon do?
carries impulsesaway from the cell body
What is myelin sheath?
fattylayer that insulates and protects the axon
what are terminal buttons?
at the end of the axon, they communicate with the nextneuron across the synapse
what is the synapse?
the gap between neurons where chemicaltransmission takes place
What is electrical transmission?
when a neuron is in its resting state the inside of the cell is negatively charged compared to the outside
when a neuron is activated, the inside of the cell becomes positivelycharged for a split second, causing an actionpotential. Creates an electrical impulse that travels down the axon to the end of the neuron