Prostatitis refers to an infection or inflammatory process of the prostate gland and is the most common urological diagnosis in men less than 50 years old
It is most commonly caused by bacteria, but it can also be abacterial. Acute prostatitis can normally be successfully treated with antibiotics
The prostate is a gland surrounding the urethra at the neck of the bladder that is part of the male reproductive system, and its main function is to produce fluid for semen
In the acute setting, prostate inflammation is most commonly associated with organisms entering the gland due to urinary tract infections (UTI), so is most often due to Escherichia coli.
Atypical organisms may cause infection in immunosuppressed patients such as Candida. Rarely, it can be a complication of sexually transmitted infections (STI)
Conditions which cause men to suffer reflux of urine into the prostatic ducts increase the likelihood of bacteria ascending and causing infection. Therefore, instrumentation/trauma to the area can also induce an episode of acute prostatitis.
The most common risk factor is UTI, but other risk factors can include:
Systemic signs (e.g. fever, chills, malaise & features of sepsis)
Typical clinical findings of prostatitis include:
Digital rectal examination (DRE): ‘boggy’ prostate (warm/soft), exhibiting tenderness
Abdominal examination: palpable, distended and tender bladder if urinary retention is present
Signs of sepsis: fever, tachycardia, hypotension & poor peripheral perfusion
DREs should be performed gently so as not to induce the release of bacteria into the bloodstream.
Relevant bedside investigations for prostatitis include:
Basic observations: to assess for pyrexia and signs of sepsis
Urinalysis: leucocytes may be present
Mid-stream urine sample (MSU): to be sent for microbiology, cultures & sensitivities
Relevant laboratory investigations for prostatitis include:
Baseline bloods including FBC, CRP and U&Es: inflammatory markers may be raised, and renal function may be impaired
Blood cultures
Venous blood gas (VBG): to identify raised lactate (sepsis)
STI screening can be considered
PSA can be considered in more chronic setting to look for underlying cancer diagnosis if symptoms do not improve
Radiological investigations are not normally indicated but can include:
Transrectalultrasound to rule out abscess/cyst if refractory to management
Other investigations to consider in the chronic setting if symptoms refractory/diagnostic uncertainty include:
Transperineal prostate biopsy
Prostatitis is a clinical diagnosis formed from a combination of history and examination findings supported by urine testing. Inflammatory markers and high white cell counts may also indicate infection
. The suspicion should be high if the patient is experiencing a combination of signs and symptoms of:
UTI: frequency & dysuria
Bacteraemia: fever, rigors & myalgia
Prostatitis: perineal/penile/rectal/low back pain, retention or obstructive urinary symptoms and tender, warm & swollen prostate
Chronic prostatitis should be suspected if a patient is experiencing pain and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) for more than 3 months. These patients will not usually be systemically unwell like acute prostatitis patients.
Hospital admission is advisable if there are severe symptoms, signs of sepsis or urinary retention. In septic patients, the sepsis 6 should be initiated as per guidelines. Patients with urinary retention should be catheterised.
Medical management:
Antibiotics - most commonly a fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin) for 14 days
Antibiotic choice can be guided by the results of cultures. As the patient improves, IV antibiotics can be stepped down to oral for a total for 2-4 weks
Sexual health clinic referral if STI suspected
Tamsulosin in chronic prostatitis
Surgical management:
Incision and drainage of pus via transrectal or perineal aspiration may need to be performed if an abscess has developed
If there are signs of un-resolving sepsis, a transurethral resection of the prostate may need to be performed
If not treated promptly, complications of prostatitis can include:
Urinary retention
Prostatic abscess
Epididymitis & pyelonephritis if the infection becomes more widespread
Chronic prostatitis
Chronic Prostatitis:
Most commonly inflammatory in nature (non-infective)
Presents with chronic, low-grade perineal and suprapubic pain, urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and poor flow
Non infective = chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Treatment is with antibiotics according to culture and sensitivity if infective cause