What did Maguire find regarding Neural Plasticity?
compared brains of 44maleLondon taxi drivers with non-taxi drivers. matched on gender,handedness and age. Found the taxi drivers had more greymatter in their hippocampus. The longer they had driven the more they had
Hippocampus is involved in spatial and navigation skills
what did Draganski find regarding neural plasticity?
scanned brains of medicalstudents3 months before and afterfinal exams, found changes in hippocampus and parietal cortex
What is functional recovery of the brain after trauma?
the brain is able to ”re-wire” itself through makingstructural changes, healthy areas takeover the functions of the damaged areas
What is spontaneous recover?
where the process happensquickly after trauma then slowsdown, may then requirerehabilitative therapy
What is axonal sprouting?
growth of newnerveending to connect with undamagedneurons
what is the reformation of blood vessels?
restoringblood flow to damaged areas
what is recruitment of similar areas?
the oppositeside of the brain will perform specifictasks
what are the structural changes of the brain in functional recovery?
axonal sprouting
reformation of blood vessels
recruitment of similar areas
Strengths of Plasticity and recovery?
increasedunderstanding has practical applications - spontaneous recovery of the brain tends to slowdown over a few weeks, they then may need intervention to make recoverysuccesful, this can then lead to using neurophysiotherapy
understanding plasticity has helped to explain the experiences of amputees
many amputees experience “phantom limb syndrome” (feeling pain in their missing limb)
Thought to be caused by the reorganisation of the somatosensory cortex to compensate for the missing limb
Animal studies support
HubelWiesel sewed shut one eye of a kitten, found the associated area of the visual cortex started to processinformation from the other eye
debate over how long your brain remains “plastic”
originally thought the brain would stopdeveloping after a certain age. However, although plasticity reduced with age, research has found evidence of brain changesthroughout life