Uneven development

Cards (10)

  • Factors affecting the level of development of a country
    • Physical factors:
    • Poor climate
    • Poor farming land
    • Few raw materials
    • Lots of natural disasters
    • Economic factors:
    • Poor trade links
    • Lots of debt
    • Economy based on primary products
  • Poor climate
    Lack of growth, malnutrition, low quality of life, fewer crops to sell, less tax revenue, less money spent on healthcare
  • Poor farming land

    Difficult to grow crops or graze animals, produce food
  • Few raw materials

    Fewer products to export, less money made, can't afford infrastructure to extract
  • Poor trade links
    World trade patterns influence country's economy, affects trade relationships, less money made
  • Lots of debt
    Borrowed money must be paid back, less money can be used for country's development
  • Economy based on primary products
    Primary products make less money than manufactured goods, economic disadvantage
  • Causes of uneven development
    • Colonization
    • Conflict, especially civil war
  • Colonization
    Countries colonized are often at a lower development level, raw materials removed, profits made
  • Conflict, especially civil war
    Slows or reduces development, money spent on arms and training soldiers instead of development, important services disrupted, increase in infant mortality