royal forests

Cards (7)

  • what were royal forests?
    Reserved woodlands for hunting by the king.
  • why did William create the royal forests?
    he enjoyed hunting
  • how did William make the royal forests?
    took land from other land holders
    evicted families from their homes
  • royal forest laws
    -hunting on private land became new crime known as poaching
    -illegal to take weapons or dogs into the royal forests
    -illegal for ordinary people to hunt deer
  • why were the royal forests important?
    -Harsh punishments for poaching showed Norman ruthlessness
    -showed king had greater power than existing laws
    -forest areas became another source of income for the king
  • what had the Anglo Saxon laws about forests before Normans?
    -people had been allowed to hunt animals in forests to supplement their diets
  • what were punishments for breaking the forests laws?