Volume of mineral solution used – half a test tube will be filled with each
Same species of the plant (Mexican Hat plant) used
Size of plantlets used – roughly same length plantlet cuttings should be used for each solution
Amount of light received – all test tubes placed in test tube rack which is positioned on a sunny window sill
Same amount of time growing – all test tubes should be left for approximately one week before examining plantlets
5 Mexican Hat plantlets (roughly equal length)
5 test tubes
Test tube rack
Solution containing all minerals
Solution containing all minerals except magnesium ions
Solution containing all minerals except nitrate ions
Solution containing all minerals except calcium ions
Solution containing no minerals (distilled water)
Aluminium foil
Solution containing all minerals acts as positive control and solution containing no minerals (just distilled water) acts as negative control.
Half fill a test tube with the solution containing all minerals.
Cover the top of the tube with aluminium foil and push down on covering so that there is a well in the centre.
Gently push the roots of Mexican Hat plantlet through the hole so it is in the solution below.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 with the other 4 solutions.
Wrap all tubes in aluminium foil and place them in the test tube rack on a sunny window sill.
Leave plantlets for approximately one week.
Observe characteristics and growth of the plantlets, comparing each solutions’ effects.
Solution containing all minerals – full growth and no abnormalities in characteristics.
Solution containing all minerals except magnesium ions – leaves should appear yellow. Growth should be stunted.
Solution containing all minerals except nitrate ions – yellow leaves and stunted growth.
Solution containing all minerals except calcium ions – growth stunted and may even be shorter than before. Plantlet should be soft and lacking support.
Solution containing no minerals (distilled water) – no growth should be observed, plant should have died.
Magnesium ions are used to synthesise chlorophyll molecules for photosynthesis. Therefore, plant lacks green colour and growth is stunted as energy source becomes less efficient.
nitrate ions to build amino acids and proteins/polypeptide chains. Proteins are largely responsible for growth and repair and so growth is reduced. The yellow colour is a result of a lack of chlorophyll molecules due to a lack of proteins/enzymes being made.
conclusions continued
calcium ions are used to strengthen cell walls and for membrane permeability. Reduced support from weaker cell walls causes a ‘floppy’ stem. Reduced metabolic activity due to reduced membrane permeability results in stunted growth.