Failure to function adequately

    Cards (4)

    • Failure to function adequately
      • Occurs when someone is unable to cope with ordinary demands of day to day living
      • Maladaptive: not adjusting adequately or appropriately to the environment or situation
      • Warning signs: not conforming to interpersonal norms, experiencing severe distress, irrational, dangerous behaviour to oneself or others
    • IDD would not be diagnosed solely based on someone's IQ scores, to be diagnosed as IDD, someone must also fail to function adequately
    • Discrimination and social control
      A limitation is that it may misclassify alternative lifestyles as abnormal, potentially restricting the freedom of those without mental disorders. Eg, not having a permanent address because of travelling.
    • Failure to function can be normal
      Failure to function can be normal after trauma. It's unfair to expect full functionality in such cases; people may need specific treatment without being labeled dysfunctional.
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