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  • Bacterial Movement
    • Swarming: multicellular surface movement powered by rotating helical flagella
    • Swimming: powered by flagella, individual movement in liquid
    • Twitching: surface movement powered by retraction and extension of Type IV pili
    • Gliding: active surface movement; does not require a flagella or pili
    • involves focal adhesion complexes
    • Sliding: passive surface translocation powered by growth and facilitated by a surfactant
  • Flagella
    • function by rotation to push the cell through a liquid medium
    • free at one end and attached at the other end of the cell
    • Tuft: group of flagella
  • Flagellar Position
    • Peritrichous: spread throughout the cell
    • Polar: one flagella on either pole
    • Lophotrichous: multiple flagella on either pole
  • E. coli is a peritrichously flagellated gram-negative bacterium
  • Flagellar Structure
    1. Filament: hollow, rigid cylinder made up of flagellin
    2. Hook region: made up of FlgE protein subunits controlled by C ring and its binding sites
    3. Basal Body: consists of small central rod inserted to a system of rings
    4. penetrates after the LPS up to the cytoplasmic membrane (gram-negative)
  • System of Rings
    1. L Ring: first ring upon the hook; located after the LPS
    2. P Ring: located in the peptidoglycan layer (in the periplasm)
    3. MS Ring: located on the outermost part of the cytoplasmic membrane, after the periplasm
    4. C Ring: lowest; after the cytoplasmic membrane
  • In gram-positive, only the MS ring and the C ring are present
  • Protein Structure of Flagella
    • Mot proteins: generates torque; anchored in the PM, surrounds the MS and C rings; brown capsule-like
    • Fli proteins: motor switch; reverses the direction of the flagella in response to intracellular signals
  • Archaeal Flagella
    • shorter than bacterial flagella
    • several different flagellin are known from archaea; but this does not bear any relationship with those of the bacterial flagellin
    • solid flagellum attached to the pseudomurein
    • less torque; slower
    • powered by ATP
  • Eukaryal Flagella
    • bending movement
    • sliding filament system
    • powered by ATP
  • Flagellar Synthesis
    1. MS and C rings assemble in the cytoplasmic membrane followed by P and then the L ring
    2. The hook and cap assemble next
    3. Flagellin proteins will flow through the hook to form the filament
    4. Cap proteins will guide the position of flagellum
  • Gliding Mechanisms of Some Bacteria
    1. Cyanobacteria: secretes polysaccharide slime
    2. adheres to the surface and the cell is pulled along
    3. Myxobacterium: twitches — repeated extension and retraction of type IV pili
    4. propels
    5. Protein adhesion complex; cytoplasmic motility
    6. Flavobacterium johnsoniae: no slime or type IV pili
    7. outer membrane proteins (motility proteins) move in the opposite direction as the cell
    8. Ratcheting mechanism
  • Gliding Motility
    • used on solid surface
    • slower and smoother form of movement
    • occurs in filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria
  • Microbial Taxis
    Taxes: response to chemical or physical gradients in nature; movement is either directed or away from the agent
    1. Chemotaxis: response to chemicals; attractants or repellants
    2. Sensory response system
    3. The degree of methylation of MCPs (Methyl-accepting Chemotaxis Proteins) control the ability of the bacteria to respond to attractant and repellants, leading to adaptation
    4. CheR adds methyl groups to MCP; CheB-P removes methyl
    5. Phototaxis: response to light; light sensor instead of MCP
    6. Aerotaxis: oxygen
    7. Osmotaxis: high ionic strength
    8. known among swimming prokaryotes
    9. Hydrotaxis: water