death rate

Cards (11)

  • overall death rate trends
    19 to 8.9 / 1000 1900 to 2012
  • reasons for decline in death rates
    improved housing, sanitation and medicine
    medical improvements and health education
    improved working conditions
    higher living standards, nutrition and diet
    public health measures and welfare
  • improved hygiene, sanitation and medicine and declining death rate - MCKEOWN 

    improvements in environmental conditions coupled with steady rise in living standards and better diet were more important than medical advancements
  • improved hygiene, sanitation and medicine and declining death rate
    advances such as vaccines and development of antibiotics contributed to decline in DR and increase in life expectancy
    more sophisticated medical care means people survive previously fatal illnesses
  • medical improvements and health education and declining death rate
    pre 1950 - medical improvements played almost no role
    post 1950s - improved medical knowledge, techniques and organisation reduced death rates
    • introduction of immunisation and antibiotics
    • improved maternal services
    • NHS 1948
    improved educational standards = better informed public demanding better hygiene and public health
  • improved working conditions and declining birth rate
    decline in dangerous manual occupations such as mining
    technology taken over more health damaging tasks
    factory machinery often safer than 100 years ago
    higher standards of health / safety, shorter working weeks and more leisure time = less physically demanding
  • higher living standards, nutrition and diet and declining birth rate - MCKEOWN
    improved nutrition accounted for help reduction in death rates, especially from TV
  • higher living standards, nutrition and diet and declining birth rate - HARPER
    greatest fall in death rate came from reduction in number of people smoking
    ? replaced with obesity epidemic with low deaths due to drug therapies
  • higher living standards, nutrition and diet and declining birth rate - HARPER

    we are moving to american health culture where lifestyles are unhealthy but long life span achieved via medication
  • evaluation of MCKEOWEN and better nutrition as most important factor in declining death rates
    females lived longer than man despite getting lower share of food
    fails to explain why deaths from infectious diseases rose during improved nutrition
  • public health measures and welfare and declining birth rate
    20th century = range of improvements in public health and quality:
    • improvements to housing
    • purer drinking water
    • pasteurisation of milk
    • improved sewage disposal
    • clean air act = reduced air pollution
    NHS provision of free comprehensive healthcare, with better antenatal and postnatal care
    childbirth is safer
    wide range of healthcare benefits available to help maintain standards of living