Anti corn laws

Cards (4)

  • corn law
    • tax on imported corn in 1815
    • Made bread more expensive ( main source of food)
    • Factory owners opposed the corn laws
    • stop cheap imports competing with British farmers
  • Opposition of the Corn laws
    1830s Nottingham factory owners
    > Coordinated countrywide action
    > 1839 bill to repeal the corn laws received 195 vote- still a defeat but strong support
  • key impact of anti corn laws
    1846- repealed the corn laws
    • followed by bad harvest
    • raised prices
    • Robert peel did not want to be seen to give into the pressure of the league
    • 1846- free trade support
    • Irish potato famine, supply of cheap corn needed to feed thousands
    • Supported by skilled workers, manufactures and new urban middle classes who influenced whigs
  • what and effect of anti-corn law league
    Focused on repeal- Avoided the split that damaged the Chartist
    Collected huge petitions- kept pressure of public opinion
    Non violent approach- did not risk losing middle class support
    Efificnet administration- kept message consistent, increasing members