Ultra Vires means = the person making the piece of del leg has gone beyond their power.
Substantive Ultra Vires = a body has exceeded their powers when making a piece ofdel leg. (making laws in areas they aren't allowed to)
R v Home Secretary -
The HoL ruled that the home secretary had gone beyond the powers granted to him in the Enabling Act, so the del leg was void.
Substantive Ultra Vires for Unreasonableness = a body has gone beyond the powers given to them by making an unfair or unreasonable law.
StrictlandvHayes Borough Council -
This was held to be unreasonable because it covered acts carried out both on public and private land.
Procedural Ultra Vires = where the correct procedure has not been followed or where the body or individual making the decision has used the authorised powers in an unauthorised way.
Aylesbury Mushroom Case -
The order was still valid for other organisations that had been consulted e.g. National Farmers Union.