Working memory model

Cards (9)

  • Phonological loop is responsible for the storage of short-term auditory information.
  • Primary acoustic store holds auditory memory traces
  • Articulatory loop subvocally rehearses auditory information
  • Episodic Buffer - A temporary store that links items in working memory to form coherent episodes. It allows us to integrate different types of information such as visual images, sounds, smells etc. It also helps us to retrieve memories from long-term memory by providing contextual cues.
  • Central executive controls the other components of working memory.
  • The visuospatial sketchpad (inner eye) holds the information we see
    • Visual cache store - form and colour
    • inner scribe - retrieval and rehearsal
  • Working Memory Model
    • Phonological loop
    • Visio-Spatial Sketchpad
    • Central Executive
  • Another strength of WMM is that errors increase with the number of blocks in the Corsi Block Experiment. This highlights the limited capacity of the Visio-Spatial Sketchpad
  • One strength of WM is that KF's impairment affected his processing of verbal information but KF’s ability to process visual information was largely unaffected. This shows there are separate components for visual and verbal information