An ambiguouslegalconcept: speaks what it takes to be onecentraltruthtolaw which is thathuman law is a moralinstrument, and embodiment of principles of reason and conscienceimplicit in human nature.
What do natural lawyers do?
Natural lawyers conflatelawandmorality and declareslawsthatviolate the dictates of "rightreason" to not be law at all.
What are the two reasons that are against subscribing completely to natural law as account of law's legitimacy?
Natural law is not (at least at its inception) a theory of law at all; it is a moral theory about rightconduct.
According to natural lawyers, the dictates of rightreason alone mustdetermine our politicalaffairs and supply the contentof our law.
What does it mean when natural law is really a "moral theory" instead of a mode of legitimising law and why it should not be ascribed completely alone?
Natural law as a legal theory is the applicationof that theoryofconductand that theory of moralknowledge to lawandpolitics. It carries with it all of the conceptualfragilities and historicalentanglements of those theories.
What is the issue when natural lawyers believe natural law must determine political affairs and supply the content of our law?
This is because, it is to claim both that
Trust must reign sovereign overlaw and politics and that philosophy should replacepast, history, and tradition in our affairs – wecannotdowithoutthepast.
;natural law then will not do as a narrative of the law's foundations because if it failstotake the law as we understandandpractice it, seriously.