What are the three reasons that the law of crimes allows for citizen's liberty through the goodness of criminal law?
No body of law, public or private, is moredreadfulin its effects.
This is the onlyareaof the law in which the state is so often temptedtoviolate the commandments of liberalpoliticalmorality.
This area of our law illuminates the relationship between state and citizens and raises legal and politicalquestions about the reach of individualfreedom and statepower.
What is meant when criminal law is more dreadful in its effects?
Criminal proceedings in its process and effect makes us vulnerable, in body and mind, to the coercivepower of the state compared to our other laws.
Why is it believed that criminal law is the one type of law that is a threat to limited government as the state is seemingly tempted to violate liberal political morality?
When conduct is improperly criminalised, the result is: citizens' autonomy become the object of statecriminalsupervision – the sense of security that individuals govern themselves become weakened.