Established for the pursuit of specific aims or goals, characterized by a formal structure or rules, authority relations, a division of labor and limited membership or admission
A set of individuals who identify and interact with one another in a structured way based on shared values and goals
Social group
A collection of people who interact with each other in accordance with the position they occupy in the society
Types of social groups
According to SocialTies
According to Self-identification
According to form of organization
According to Social Ties
Primary Group
Secondary Group
Primary group
A typical small social group whose members share close, personal, intimate, and face to face association and cooperation and have strong emotional ties
Examples of primarygroups
families, friendship groups, play groups, peers, neighbors, etc.
Secondary group
Can be small or large group who do not interact much; mostly impersonal; interactions among members are casual and usually short-term; typically found at work and school
Examples of secondarygroups
the group for a school project, members of the committee, superior-subordinate, seller-buyer, etc.
According to Self-identification
Reference Group
A social group to which an individual identifies and which give him/her a sense of belongingness, solidarity, camaraderie, the feeling of togetherness, and protective attitude toward the other members
Examples of in-groups
membership of a church organization, sports club, etc.
A social group that an individual does not identify with; viewed as outsiders of the in-group
Example of out-group
could be a sports team opponent
Reference group
They serve as model of standards; we use them as patterns to guide behaviors and attitudes
Examples of reference groups
peer groups, senior schoolmates, actors and actresses, etc.
According to form of organization
Formal Group
Informal Group
Formal group
Deliberately formed, and their purpose and objectives are explicitly defined. Have a certain type of administrative structure called "bureaucracy".
A hierarchical arrangement in a large-scale organizations in which parts of the organization are ordered in the manner of a pyramid based on a division of function and authority
Informal group
Unplanned, has no explicit rules and does not have specific objectives to be attained. It has the characteristics of primary groups.
Sets of informal and formal social ties that link people to each other. It is formed by the presence of social linkage for some personal, economic, religious, or political reasons.