Cards (17)

  • What is Health Status?
    a measurement of the overall health and wellbeing of an individual or population. This takes into account aspects such as life expectancy, amount of disability and levels of disease risk factors
  • Health Indicators:
    • Self-assessed health status
    • Life expectancy
    • Mortality
    • Morbidity (incidence & prevalence)
    • Burden of disease
    • Rates of hospitalization
  • Self-assessed health status:

    Is based on an individual’s own perception of their health and wellbeing. ​It is also subjective. They are generally scaled responses.
  • Life Expectancy:

    The number of years of life, on average, remaining to an individual at a particular age if death rates do not change. For example birth.
  • Mortality
    Mortality refers to death, particularly at a population level. 
  • mortality consideration 1:
    The number or rate of deaths in a population. Mortality rates are usually presented per 100 000 population in a 12-month period. ​For example, annual road toll and suicide rates.
  • mortality consideration 2: (YLL)

    YLL is equal to one year of life lost due to premature death.​
    • For example: Kobe Bryant passed away at the age of 41. The life expectancy for a male in America is 76.1 years.​
    • 76.1-41= 35.1 years of life lost!​
    • Average rate lived - when the person died = years of life lost.
  • Leading causes of mortality among youth:
    1. Injuries and poisoning​
    2. Cancers​
    3. Diseases of the nervous systems-  for example Cerebral Palsey, Epilepsy. Muscular dystrophy
    4. Cardiovascular disease​
  • Morbidity:

    • Refers to ill health — including disease, injury and disability — in an individual, and the level of ill health in a population.​
    • Morbidity rate = rate of ill health in a population in a given period
    • The number or rate of people reporting a condition (Incidence)​
    • The years lost due to disability (YLD)​
  • Incidence:

    • Represents the number of new cases
    • Usually 12 months.
  • Prevalence:

    • Represents the total number of cases of a condition at a given time. ​
  • Years Lost due to Disability (YLD)
    • Years lost due to disability (YLD) is a measure of the impact the morbidity/ condition has on a group or population.​
    • The years lost due to disability (YLD), where one YLD is equal to one ‘healthy’ year of life lost due to time lived with disease, injury or disability. This is the same measurement as YLL.​
  • Burden of Disease:
    • A concept that combines mortality data with morbidity data so that conditions that contribute differently to death and illness can be compared.​
    • For example, cancer causes a lot of death and illness while a chronic, or long-term, condition such as asthma causes a lot of illness but much less death. 
    • Burden of disease is measured in disability adjusted life years (DALY). 
    • 1 DALY equals one year of healthy life lost due to premature death and time lived with illness, disease or injury. 
  • Rate of Hospitalization:
    • Episodes of hospital care that start with admission and end at transfer, discharge or death.​
  • Leading causes of Hospitilzation:
    • Injury and poisoning​
    • Diseases of the digestive system​
    • Diseases of the respiratory system​
    • Mental and behavioural disorders​
    • Disease of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissues.
  •  Core Activity Limitation​
    Self care:
    • Bathing/showering​
    • Dressing/undressing​
    • Eating/feeding​
    • Going to the toilet​
    • Bladder/bowel control
    • Moving around away from home​
    • Moving around at home​
    • Getting in or out of bed or chair
    Communication in own language:
    Understanding/being understood by strangers, friends or family, including use of sign language/lip reading
  • Causes of Core Activity Limitation​
    • Core activity limitation occurs as a result of injurydevelopmental problems or chronic illness.​
    Degree of Difficulty
    • Profound- Always needing help (including aids)​
    • Severe- Only need help at times (Including aids)​
    • Moderate- People who have difficulty with tasks​
    • Mild- Only need aids