Vocabulary words 2

Cards (50)

  • peripheral
    adj: not central or of main importance:
    First of all, we had to find out who the thief was - getting the money back was a peripheral issue.
  • Earshot
    N: the range of distance within which you can be heard or hear what someone is saying:
  • Jog
    V: (RUN)
    to run at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form of exercise:
  • With
    prep: (COMPANY)
    used to say that people or things are in a place together or are doing something together:
    using something:
    having or including something:
    used at the beginning of various phrases written at the end of a letter:
    relating to or in the case of a person or thing:
    B1used to show what is on or in something
    because of or caused by someone or something:
    against something:

    used with words showing separation:
    and, or followed by:
    used in comparisons:
    supporting someone or something
    in the same direction as something:
    at the same rate or time as something:
    be with someone informal
    to understand what someone is saying:
    despite something:
    used to express a wish or instruction:
    Away with you! (= Go away!)
    Off to bed with you! (= Go to bed!)
    On with the show! (= Let it continue.)
    Down with school! (= We don't want/like it.)
  • soothe
    V: to cause someone to be less upset or angry.
    To cause something to hurt less:
  • snarky
    adj: criticizing someone in an annoyed way and trying to hurt their feelings
  • overhead
    adj: at a level higher than a person's head; in the air or the sky above the place where you are:
    N: the regular and necessary costs, such as rent, heat, electricity, and telephone, involved in operating a business:
  • Exuberant
    adj: (esp. of people and their behavior) very energetic, and showing the happiness of being alive:
  • Excruciate
    Adj: extremely painful:
    extremely boring or embarrassing
  • Mutter
    v: to speak quietly and in a voice that is not easy to hear, often when you are anxious or complaining about something:
  • Utter
    Adj: complete or extreme
    V: to say something or make a sound with your voice:
  • Absurd
    Adj: ridiculous or completely unreasonable:
  • heave a sigh of relief

    idiom: to suddenly feel very happy because something unpleasant has not happened or has ended:
  • Cutlery
    N: knives, forks, and spoons used for eating food
  • reciprocate
    V: to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else: To do something for someone because the person has done something similar for you:
  • Occupy
    V: (of an army or group of people) to move into and take control or possession of a place:
    To fill, use, or exist in a place or a time:
  • flabbergasted
    Adj: shocked by the unexpected
  • invalidate
    V: to prove that an opinion, argument, etc. is wrong
  • Crease
    N: a line or mark made on material by folding or pressing it, or a line in a person's skin, esp. in the face:
  • Attest
    V; of a person) to state with authority that something is true, or (of a situation or event) to show that something is likely to be true:
  • meantime
    in the meantime
    until something expected happens, or while something else is happening:
    in the interim
  • Redo
    V: To do something again:
    If you redo a room or a building, you paint it, put new furniture in it, etc. to make it more attractive or useful:
  • embed
    V: To fix something firmly into a substance
  • Innnate
    Adj: An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned:
  • Stumble
    V: to hit your foot against something while walking and almost fall, or to walk awkwardly as if you might fall:
    To make a mistake, or to pause unexpectedly when speaking:
  • Revive
    V: to come back to life, health, existence, or use, or bring something back to such a state:
  • imply
    V: to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly:
    as something implies
    used to show that the name, explanation, etc. of something tells you something else about it:
  • Impart
    V: to communicate information to someone
    to give something a particular feeling, quality, or taste
  • Inevitable
    Adj: certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented:
    The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
    Synonyms: ineluctable, inescapable, unavoidable
  • deteriorate
    V: to become worse:
  • Nip
    V: To go somewhere quickly or be somewhere for only a short time:
    a nip (in the air) informal
    If there is a nip in the air, the air outside is quite cold:
  • Vague
    Adj: not clearly stated, described, or explained, or not clearly seen or felt:
    A person who is vague is not able or does not wish to state, describe, or explain something clearly:
  • Conscious
    Adj: be conscious of something/someone
    to notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present:
    My tooth doesn't exactly hurt, but I'm conscious of it (= I can feel it) all the time.
    (1) awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you:
    (2) determined and intentional:
  • Setback
    N: something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing:
    hitch (PROBLEM)
  • Dwindle
    V: to become less in number or smaller
  • Aspirant
    N: someone who very much wants to achieve something:
  • Daunt
    V: to make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about his or her ability to achieve something; to discourage:
  • Groggy
    Adj: weak and unable to think clearly or walk correctly, usually because of illness or being tired:
  • Inch
    N: a unit of measurement of length equal to 1/12 foot or 2.54 centimeters
    V: to move very slowly, or in a lot of short stages:
  • Impulse
    N: a sudden, strong desire to do something:
    (1) If you do something on impulse, you do it because you suddenly want to:
    (2)a short electrical signal that carries information or instructions between the parts of a system:
    (3) the force that is working on an object multiplied by the amount of time it is working