Cards (22)

  • Social inequality
    • Lack of access to natural and societal resources
    • A denial of choices and opportunities
    • Lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in society
    • Unequal, ineffective, and inefficient allocation of goods and services
  • Poverty
    Lack of adequate financial resources such that individuals, households, and entire communities don't have the means to subsist or acquire the basic necessities for a flourishing life
  • Classification of Poverty
    • Absolute or Extreme Poverty
    • Relative Poverty
  • Absolute or Extreme Poverty
    Severe deprivation of the basic necessities of life
  • Relative Poverty
    Inadequate access to goods and services in relation to the standards within a particular country
  • Types of Poverty
    • Rural Poverty
    • Urban Poverty
  • Rural Poverty
    Mainly associated with people living outside the cities and towns, in an agricultural setting
  • Urban Poverty
    Closely linked with cities and towns with big populations
  • Programs in Alleviating Poverty
    • Provide Better living Conditions for the poorest segment of society
    • Livelihood projects
    • Education development
    • Feeding Program or medical mission
    • Microfinance for small-scale livelihood
    • Enterprise projects
    • Community driven development initiatives
    • Promotion of education, science and technology, population development, and natural resources sustainability projects
  • Conditional Fund Transfer Program
    The government (or any private entity) would provide cash to families living in absolute or relative poverty given that they meet certain criteria
  • Other Forms of Social and Political Inequality
    • Gender Inequality
    • Ethnic Minorities
    • Persons with Disabilities
    • Global Inequalities
  • Gender Inequality
    Girls and women across the country are experiencing discrimination in areas of health, education, political presentation, labor market and others
  • Ethnic Minorities
    Girls and women across the country are experiencing discrimination in areas of health, education, political presentation, labor market and others
  • Persons with Disabilities
    10% of the world's population live with disabilities, and are more likely to be victims of discrimination, violence, rape
  • Global Inequalities
    Staggering difference between the rich, the middle class, and the poor populations of the world, which demoralizes people and poses extreme differences in standards of living
  • Ways to Reduce Inequality through Economic Democracy
    • A Check on Illicit Outflows
    • A Progressive Income Tax
    • A Global Wealth Tax
    • A Living Wage
    • The Right to Organize
    • An End to Labor Abuses
    • An Open and Democratic Trade Policy
    • A New Economics
  • A Check on illicit Outflows
    In developing countries, inadequate resourcing for health, education, sanitation, and investment in the poorest citizens drives extreme inequality
  • A Living Wage
    Governments should establish and enforce a national living wage. Corporations should also prioritize a living wage for their own workers and for the suppliers, buyers, and others with whom they do business
  • An End to Labor Abuses
    Companies worldwide are also replacing what was once permanent and stable employment with temporary and contingent labor
  • An Open and Democratic Trade Policy
    Negotiating international trade agreements behind closed doors with only bureaucrats and corporate lobbyists present has to end
  • A New Economics
    Economists are often imagined as stuffy academics who value arcane economic theory above humanitarian values. Thankfully, there's a movement among economics grad students and scholars to reimagine the discipline. As they acknowledge, we clearly need a new economics that works to improve the lives of everyone, not just those already well off
  • Five Reasons Why We Need More Equality
    • Health
    • Social Relationships
    • Human Capital Development
    • Economic Progress and Stability
    • Sustainable Economies