postmodern society

Cards (10)

  • how is life structured?
    -sociologist's argue the fixed stages of life are broken down
    > children dressing in adult's styles
    > later marriage
    > early retirement
  • what does the breakdown of life stages lead to?
    -greater choice of lifestyle
  • what's key to our identities?
    -define ourselves by what we consume
  • Hunt
    -argues consumption means we can choose a lifestyle regardless of age
    -age no longer determines who we are / how we live
  • result of Hunt's beliefs on old

    -old become market for vast range of 'body maintenance' / 'rejuvenation' goods & services > through which they can create identities
  • examples of 'body maintenance' & 'rejuvenation'

    > cosmetic surgery
    > exercise equipment
    > gym memberships
    > anti-ageing products
  • these trends begin to break down the ageist stereotypes found in modern society
  • features of postmodern society that undermine old age as stigmatised life stage
    -centrality of media
    -emphasis on surface features
  • centrality of media
    media images now portray positive aspects of the lifestyles of elderly
  • emphasis on surface features
    -body becomes a surface on which we can write identities
    -anti-ageing products enable the old to write different identities for themselves