The romantics

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  • what is romanticism?
    a movement which covers a range of developments in art, lit, music and philosophy
  • when was romanticism?
    late 18th and early 19th cen
  • what did jean-jacques rousseau declare?
    man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains
  • what is a core part of romanticism?
    rebelliousness, dissatisfied intellectuals and artists challenged the establishment
  • what do the romantics emphasise?
    the importance of the individual, people should follow ideals rather than imposed rules, denouncing the exploitation of the poor, expressing authentic personal feelings
  • what did the romantics feel was their duty?
    to use their poetry to inform and inspire others and change society
  • what is a big idea in romanticism?
  • romanticism is precisely situation in choice of subject, nor in exact truth, but in a way of feeling - charles baudelaire
  • politically it was inspired by the revolutions in america and france, emotionally it expressed an extreme assertion of the self... together with the sense of the infinite and transcendental - check slides
  • importance attatched to individuals and their particular creative talents
  • subjectivity: a strongly personal viewpoint, was valued highly sometimes at the expense of science
  • what was the subjective view elevated to?
    spiritual, quasi-religious significance which was a threat to established religion
  • romanticism aquired greater value at the time because nature was just beginning to be threatened by urbanisation and industrialisation
  • time-honored codes of morality were questioned
  • worship of nature