According to Arrhenius theory, acid produces H+ in solutions and bases produces OH- in solution.
The more hydrogen solution have, the more acidic it is.
According to Arrhenius theory,
Arrhenius acid (HA molecule) —> Hydrogen ion (acidic species) + Negative ion
According to Lewis concept, acid is an electron pair acceptor, and base is an electron pair donor.
According to Lewis Concept, Lewis base will give more electron to the Lewis acid making it more acidic.
According to Bronsted-Lowry Theory, acid is a proton donor and base is a proton acceptor.
According to Bronsted-Lowry theory, acid gives proton to base forming conjugate base and conjugate acid.
pH = -log [H+]
refers to the “potential of hydrogen ion”
proposed by Soren Sorensen in 1909
defined as the negative of the logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ion
In the self-ionization of water, the amphiprotic ability of water to act as a proton donor and acceptor allows the formation of hydronium (H30+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).
Ionization is the process by which ions are formed by gain or loss of an electron from an atom or molecule.
Dissociation is the separation of a molecular entity into two or more molecular entities.
pH Scale
Measure of how acidic or basic a solution is
often measured on a 1 to 14 range
pH less than 7 indicates acidic properties.
pH greater than 7 indicates basic properties
pH at exactly 7 is neutral.
The higher the [H+], the lower the pH
Magnesium carbonate = milk of magnesia
pH indicators exist as liquid dyes and dye infused paper strips. They are added to various solutions to determine the pH values of those solutions.
Liquid form of pH indicators is added directly to solutions.
Paper form is dipped into solutions and then removed for comparison against a color/pH key.
phenolphthalein TS is a universal indicator composed of different chemical compounds. It can change color when added in a solution over a pH value ranging from 1-14 that indicates the acidic or basic property of the solution.
TS means test solution.
Phenolphthalein TS
used in qualitative analysis (uses organoleptic)
used for assays in monograph
Litmus paper test
pHindicatorpaper coated with an organic dye which changes color in the presence of acids and bases
Litmus paper is used when determining whether a solution is acidic or basic.
Litmus paper does not provide accurate information regarding the strength of the acid or base.
Red litmus turns blue in base.
Blue litmus turns red in acid.
pH paper is a strip of special paper that can be used to find approximate pH of solution based on the change of color when immersed in the solution.
pH meter should always be calibrated before each measurement to get accurate results.
The calibration should be performed with at least two buffer solutions with known pH.
Buffer solution resist change in pH. For general purposes, buffer solutions with pH 4 and pH 10 are used.
pH meter
After each single measurement, the bulb is rinsed with distilled water or deionized water to remove any traces of solution being measured.
Then, the bulb is blotted with a blotting paper to remove remaining water that could dilute the sample and alter the reading.
When not in use, the bulb must be kept wet at all times to avoid dehydration of the pH sensing membrane.
pH meter can have bench type and pen type.
Litmus paper method
Acetaminophen - blue to red
Ethanol - blue (no change)
Aspirin - blue to red
Saline solution - blue to red
pH paper method
Acetaminophen - 5-6 (yellow)
Ethanol - 7-8 (yellow-green)
Aspirin - 2-3 (red)
Saline solution - 5-6 (yellow)
pHindicator method
Acetaminophen - colorless
Ethanol - colorless
Aspirin - colorless
Saline solution - colorless
Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
The pH of a buffer solution can be calculated from the concentration of its acid and conjugate base using the Henderson Hasselbalch equation.
Classification of sugar is disaccharide.
What happens to an acid when it donates a proton according to the Brønsted-Lowry theory? It gains a proton.
Acetic acid is a weak acid.
Neutralization is the type of reaction occurs when an acid and base react together.
pH Scale
HCl, Battery acid - 0
Stomach, sulfuric acid
Lemon, lemon juice / vinegar
Vinegar, orange juice / soda
Wine, Acid rain (4.2 - 4.4) / Acidic lake (4.5)
Coffee, Bananas (5.0 - 5.3) / Clean rain (5.6)
Milk, Healthy lake (6.5) / Milk (6.5)
Blood, Sea water / eggs
Baking soda
Milk of magnesia
Drain cleaner
Environmental effects
All fish die (4.2)
Frog eggs, tadpoles, crayfish, and mayflies die (5.5)
Rainbow trout begin to die (6.0)
Acetic acid is a weak acid.
Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
Determination of the percentage of the neutral or ionic form of a weak acid or weak base at a given pH.