Attractive and repulsive force between particles caused by their electric charges
Coulomb's force
Another term for the electrostatic force
Electrostatic force
When iron is placed on silk or cotton cloth, they cling to the body
ANY charged object, whether positively charged or negatively charged, will have an ATTRACTIVE interaction with a neutral object
How a balloon becomes charged
1. Balloon is rubbed on hair, picking up extra electrons
2. Balloon is now charged and attracts neutral objects like paper
When a balloon is placed against a wall
The excess electrons in the balloon repel the electrons in the wall and are attracted to the positive charges
When a balloon is rubbed on hair
The balloon removes some of the electrons in the hair, giving each strand a positive charge, causing them to repel each other and "stick up"
As you walk across a carpet
Electrons are transferred from the rug to you, giving you extra electrons
Devices that store electrical charges
When you touch a door knob (conductor)
The extra electrons move from you to the knob, causing a shock
The basic schematic form of a capacitor is below
Positive charges tend to go up, negative charges tend to go down in lightning
The ability of an isolated conductor to store the charge given to it
When the attraction reaches a critical level, you get a lightning bolt
A device which stores electric charge
Consists of two conductors carrying equal but opposite charges and separated by an insulator
Has many important applications in electronics
Applications of capacitors
Storing electric potential energy
Delaying voltage changes when coupled with resistors
Filtering out unwanted frequency signals
Forming resonant circuits
Making frequency-dependent and independent voltage dividers when combined with resistors
Once a capacitor is charged, it has the same voltage as the battery
The difference between a capacitor and a battery is that a capacitor can dump its entire charge in a tiny fraction of a second, where a battery would take minutes to completely discharge itself
Charging a capacitor
1. Current flows through the capacitor and each side becomes charged with equal and opposite charges
2. When the capacitor is fully charged, the current stops flowing
Parallel plate capacitor
Two conducting plates, each having a surface area A, separated by distance d, and a voltage V is applied
The capacitance of a capacitor can be changed by physically changing the geometry of the capacitor itself
This is not a practical capacitor to build
An insulating material placed between the conductors to help store the charge
Capacitors in series
Charge each other by induction, so they have the same charge
The electric potential is divided up amongst them
Capacitors in parallel
Have the same voltage because they touch both ends of the battery
Split up the charge amongst them
The slope of the V vs Q graph is the inverse of the capacitance
The forms of the symbol of the capacitor can be shown in different ways
The energy density of a capacitor is related to the capacitance and voltage
All electric circuits have one thing in common—they depend on the flow of electric charge
Electric current
When electric charge flows from one place to another
The more charge that flows, and the faster it flows, the greater the electric current
Electric charge is carried through a circuit by electrons
Electric current (I)
Amount of charge (ΔQ) divided by the amount of time (Δt)
Ampere (A)
Unit of current, defined as the flow of 1 coulomb of charge in 1 second
A 1-amp current is fairly strong. Many electronic devices operate on currents that are a fraction of an amp
When charge flows through a closed path and returns to its starting point, we say that the closed path is an electric circuit
Direct-current (DC) circuit
Current always flows in the same direction
Alternating-current (AC) circuit
Currents that periodically reverse their direction
Electrons move fairly freely in metal wires, but something has to push on them to get them going and keep them going
No water flow if both ends of the garden hose are held at the same level
Water flows from the end where the gravitational potential energy is high to the end where it is low