Cards (7)

  • Show explores an ambiguity towards how men and women relate
  • "the models walk/high heeled as curlews/stalking a narrow shore" 

    Empowers the models presented as predators "stalking". Image of them as skinny and tall plays into societal expectations.
  • "the crocodile pit of cameras/flashing their teeth for more"

    Power dynamic shifted, the paparazzi men in power. Sheers criticising scopophilia, and the voyeuristic nature of the industry.
  • In the first half of Show, the use of animalistic similes and metaphors links it to the wider systemic issues of the fashion industry and what women should aspire to be.
  • "the fall of the dress, the jewellery [...] the dusk of your skin" 

    Suggests artificiality. Empowerment can come from something artificial, women gain power from their sexuality. Masculine-centric way of empowering women, a shallow focus.
  • "the spell, the artful hocus-focus"

    Spell-captured by her beauty, presents himself as powerless.
  • "setting the room about you out of focus"

    Links to the semantics of the 1st half - cameras and paparazzi. Suggests the male gaze is everywhere, occupies the public and private domain.