Social class - internal

Cards (14)

  • Becker
    60 students labelled on “ideal“ (mc) or “not ideal” (wc)
  • Hargreaves
    3 step labelling process:
    1. Speculation - predict based on class
    2. Elaboration - student accurately understood
    3. Stabilisation - know student
  • Rist
    Grouped based on ability and background
    • “Tigers” - fast learners at front (mc)
    • ”Clowns” - slow learners at back (wc)
  • Rosenthal and Jacobson
    IQ test - 20% “spurters” (chosen at random)
    8 months later = all spurters improved
    Labelling leads to self fulfilling prophecy
  • Ball
    Fathers in mc jobs - kids in higher band
    wc behaviour deteriorate due to band stereotypes (low = unlikely to succeed)
  • Educational triage (A-C economy)
    1. Pass anyway, no support
    2. Have potential, helped
    3. Hopeless, no support
  • Gillborn and Youdell
    Wc lack ability (labelled as hopeless, bottom set, no support = fail)
  • Lacey - Differentation
    Categorise on ability, attitude and behaviour
    eg “more able” = high band, “less able“ = low band
  • Lacey - Polarisation
    2 extremes of poles
    • pro school subculture (mc commitment to values)
    • anti school subculture (wc low self worth, failure)
  • Woods
    1. Ingratiation - teachers pet
    2. Ritualism - get work done without trouble
    3. Retreatism - daydream, mess around
    4. Rebellion - reject school
  • Bourdieu - Habitas

    Habitas = taken for granted ways of thinking, being, acting
    ”normal” in social class
    mc superiority = higher value on tastes
  • Bourdieu - Symbolic capital + violence
    Education favours mc habitas + devalues wc habitas
    Withholding sc from wc (symbolic violence) - reproduces class structure
    wc alienated and unnatural
  • Archer
    Nike identities - wc invest in branded clothes to seek status
    Conflict with dress code “bad taste”
    Rejection in higher education
  • Oxbridge
    Evan’s - reluctance to apply as won’t fit in (wc)
    Bourdieu - not for the likes of wc