Romantic image however harsh plosive alliteration of 'b' is unnerving.
"we could see, which meant they could too"
Voyeuristic impression. Deliberate, not caring about outsiders looking in. Blind open could also suggest they have their minds elsewhere, not fully satisfied.
"The curves of a distant landscape" "your body slick and valleyed"
Compares the female body to aspects of Welshgeography.Intertwines the body with nature which elevates his respect for her.
Seamless flow between stanzas. Represents strength, an active force within the poem.
Stanza Five refocuses on the outside world and the theme of disconnection.
"their Morse codes [...] until eventually every one of them went dark"
Morse code - something that the narrator cannot understand. Emergency communication - last resort of their relationship? Couldn't communicate or connect verbally.
Stanza 6: "far away yet near"
Emblematic of physical connection but emotional disconnect (link to Valentine and Keyways)
Stanza 7 "with a sigh you rose from me"
Suggests the females power, ambiguous, could be satisfaction or indifference.