Depicts the maximum productive potential of an economy, using a combination of two goods or services, when resources are fully and efficiently employed
The law of diminishing returns states that the opportunity cost of producing more yoghurt increases, in terms of the lost units of cheese that could have been produced
Producing 100 units of cheese means that only 40 units of yoghurt can be produced instead of the potential of 90, so the opportunity cost is 90 - 40 = 50 units of yoghurt
An increase in the quantity or quality of resources shifts the PPF curve outwards, so the productive potential of the economy increases, and there is economic growth
Moving along the PPF uses the same number and state of resources, and shifts production from fewer consumer goods to more capital goods, incurring an opportunity cost
Shifting the PPF curve outwards uses either more resources or resources of a greater quality, reducing the opportunity cost of producing either capital or consumer goods