Cards (12)

  • primary data
    info collected by sociologists first hand
    —e.g. social surveys
  • secondary data
    info collected or created by someone else
    —e.g. official statistics
  • independent variable
    the thing that is measured
  • dependent variable
    the thing that is controlled
  • reliability
    when the procedure can be followed by someone else exactly and get the same or similar results
  • representativeness
    when the sample is large enough to represent the wider population
  • field experiment
    • takes place in the pp’s natural habitat
    • the pps involved are not usually aware they are being studied, so there is no hawthorne effect
  • positivists
    • prefer quantitative data
    • analysing data helps us discover cause and effect relationships of behaviour
  • interpretivists
    • prefer qualitative data
    • sociology can NOT be a science
    • analysis of social actors is the only way to understand their behaviour
  • the comparative method
    • carried out in the mind of the sociologist
    • doesn't involve the researcher experimenting on real people
    • it is designed to discover cause and effect relationships
  • open-ended questions
    • allows free form questions
    • ’what‘, ‘how’, ‘where’, ‘when’
    • collects qualitative data
    • takes longer to gather info due to respondents needing to elaborate
  • close-ended questions
    • limited answer options
    • yes or no/multiple choice questions
    • collects quantitative data
    • completed in a shorter time frame as answers are direct