
Cards (22)

  • What is the purpose of control variables ?
    To ensure experiment is valid
  • What is the issue with systematic errors ?
    affect reproducibility
  • What does it mean is an experiment is repeatable ?
    repeated by the same person, same equipment and achieve the same results
  • What reduces accuracy ?
    systematic and random errors
  • accuracy = when a result is close to the true value
  • precision = repeated results are clustered together
  • What can repeating the experimennt help determine ?
    the precision of results
  • reproducibility = the ability for a different person to repeat the experiment and get same results
  • What is the purpose of the student t-test ?
    To find if the difference between means is significant
  • When would you use a paired t-test ?
    When the sets of data are coming form the same individual.
  • When would you use an unpaired t-test?
    When the sets of data come from different individuals
  • What is the degree of freedom for a paired t-test ?
  • What is the degree of freedom for an un-paired t-test ?
  • In a students t-test if the value of t is greater than or equal to the critical value then the difference is significant so you can reject H0.
  • What do overlapping error bars indicate when comparing data?
    there is no significant difference
  • What is the purpose of simpsons index ?
    To measure species diversity, considering both species richness and evenness.
  • In simpsons index what does the n and N represent ?

    n is the total number of organisms in one species
    N is the total number of all organisms
  • How do you interpret simpsons index?
    The closer to 1 your value, the more diverse the habitat.
  • What is the purpose of spearmans rank ?
    Ranks data in order of size, indicating the strength and direction of correlation.
  • What does each r value represent in spearman's rank ?
    r = -1 : negative correlation
    r = 0 : no correlation
    r= 1 : positive correlation
  • In spearmans rank if your value is greater than the c.v the correlation is significant and you can reject the null hypothesis.
  • When discussing reliability of experiment what could be considered ?
    sample size