Cards (17)

  • Three main ideas in good conduct
    1. Christians are justified by faith
    2. Christians are justified by works
    3. Christians are pre-destined to enter heaven
  • Where is the evidence that it is their faith that makes them good?
    In Paul's letter to the Romans
  • Interpretation of what Paul says in 3:20-26

    No human being will be justified in God's eyes by works of the law because for humans to be counted as righteous does not mean that they earn righteousness. It cannot be earned by following the law. Therefore to be judged righteous by God can only be a free gift by God's grace
  • Interpretation of what Paul says in 4:2-5

    Discusses whether Abraham would be justified by God. Paul says that Abraham can be justified by God, not because of his good works but because of the extent of his belief - his faith in God
  • Interpretation of what Paul says in 5:1-2

    When we have complete faith in God, and rely upon God's grace rather than upon our own works and deeds, we have 'peace with God
  • What was Martin Luther's belief?
    Sola fide - justification by faith alone. Believed that God pardons guilty sinners on the basis of their faith alone, without references to their works. Through Jesus' atonement, God grants sinners justification. The faith of the sinner is passive not active. Justification is not brought about by any human achievement or works but by what God brings about through Jesus Christ
  • Christians are justified by works
    Letter of James - 'what does it profit my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him?'.
    - a man is justified by works, not by faith alone
    - In the same way, Rahab was justified in what she did. In the bible it says Rahab was made righteous by God because of her works
  • Why is faith alone not justified?
    Even demons must believe in God but by nature their works are demonic. They're judged by their demonic works not that they happen to believe in God. Although they technically have faith, it does not justify anything
  • How does the parable of the sheep and goats link to justification by works?
    - God does not mention if those who are sheep like or goat like have faith or lack it
    - sheep go to eternal life in God's kingdom simply because they have done good works.
  • Both faith and works
    - what is the point of faith without works? If someone lacks food or clothing and someone says that they love them without doing anything about it, that is useless; so faith without works is dead
    - faith can be shown through works
    - Abraham had faith, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness but he showed it by works
  • What is predestination?
    All events have been willed by God. The fate of each individual, with regard to their place in heaven, has also been willed by God
  • Old Testament evidence of predestination
    Belief that Yahweh was the God of history, particularly in God's election of Israel as a chosen nation. Eg Deuteronomy 7:6-8
  • New Testament evidence of predestination
    Romans 8: 'for those whom he fore knew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son'.
  • What does Paul mean in that passage?
    Suggests that God predestined some people to lead Christ-like lives. Implies that God predestines some people to good moral conduct. They lead Christ-like lives not through their own choice but by God's. God is omnipotent and omniscient; as the creator he has full control and must control all of history, including the lives of every being that has been created
  • What is Augustine's views on predestination?
    Augustine argued that God is all knowing but only to the extent of foreknowledge. He knows who is going to be saved because he has knowledge of all future events. All things of this nature are decided by the will of God. Double predestination - god predestines someone to God's kingdom and secondly God predestines some to be immersed in their sin and condemned to hell
  • What are Calvin's beliefs about predestination?
    Basis of God's predestination is mysterious and utterly incomprehensible to people. Gods purpose in predestination: inspire wonder and reverence in believers. Not meant to be understood by people
  • Why does Pelagius reject predestination?
    he believed the idea of free will was a strong argument. Everything God created was good so he could not possibly create humanity in a state of original sin. Grace was nothing more nor less than God's gift of free will to humans so predestination is nonsense. What would be the point of God creating humans with such a weak degree of free will that they were unable to make free good choices? why should all of humanity inherit original sin when no individual has any choice in the matter of being born or not?