Protects life as sacred. Promotes a positive approach to the value of life, including the value of a human life suffering under differeng forms of disability
2 in favour

Weaker form of the principle is in line with Jesus' teachings on agape and on loving one's neighbour
3 in favour

The weaker form is often seen as being in line with the realities of life. Recognises that abortion is not necessarily an arbitrary choice but is necessary and accessible
4 in favour

Imago dei / ensoulment / value of human life
1 against

In its strong form rests on a prescientific assessment of human value made 3000 years ago
2 against

Ignores scientific findings concerning evolution and natural selection. Shows that humans are not a special life form - simply part of what has evolved
3 against

To say that humans are made in God's image is anthropomorphism and reinforces a patriarchal model of society in which women are not equal with men in their choices
4 against

We can value human life without religious overtones